Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Remain in Me

The earliest Christians must have had a deep understanding that they were all united with one another in the Risen Christ.  In his letter to the Corinthians in the early 60's St. Paul stressed this unity with the image of the Body of Christ, all of us members of the Risen Christ's Body, each with a distinct job to do.
Fifty years later John and his community of believers used the image of the vine and its branches to express the same strong union of all believers in Christ. (15:1-9.)  Again today I tried to hear these words spoken to me by the Risen Christ living in me and around me in my room: "Remain in me as I remain in you....I am the vine, you are .the branches.  Those who remain in me and I in them bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."  "Remain" is an important word in this whole passage.  Don't try to live apart, never leave, never break connection to the vine.  By remaining attached to the Risen Christ we bear much fruit.  Our union with Christ isn't just for our sake.  The fruit Jesus is talking to us about is making new disciples.  Our strong unity with one another in the Risen Christ attracts others.
This miniature tangerine plant is a great tribute to the importance of pruning.

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