Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Another Paraclete

Bird is as confused as we are at having snow May 12!
I meditated today on John 14:15-21, trying to hear the Risen Christ in me and in my room speaking to me now.  He uses the word "Paraclete."  The English word has almost exactly the same letters as the Greek word John used.  The Greek word means "one who is called alongside" to help.  There is no English word that captures all the possible meanings, but we can hear Jesus telling us that the Holy Spirit is at times "advocate," "intercessor," "counselor," "protector," "comforter," "support."
Getting some grasp of the Holy Spirit involves letting ourselves fall into the Mystery of the Holy Trinity (see yesterday's quote.)  Jesus says, "I am in my Father and you in me and I in you." I find it helpful to think of the Spirit as my way into the Trinity.  Imagine the Three in a fast moving circle dance.  The Spirit reaches out and grabs our hand and swings us into the Dance.  We are swirled into Love that is all Three.
Jesus concludes, "Whoever keeps my commandments loves me; and whoever loves me will be loved  by my Father, and I shall love them."  His commandments are not simply moral precepts; they involve a whole way of life in loving union with Jesus.

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