Wednesday, April 15, 2020

We Used To Hope

Many years ago when I was about 20 I heard a bishop give a homily based on Luke's story of the Risen Christ meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (24:13-25.)   In a booming voice he repeated over and over throughout the homily, "We used to hope," quoting one of the disciples.  I don't recall what terrible contemporary situation the bishop was referring to or anything else he said in the homily, but this particular translation of verse 21 was powerful and effective enough for me to remember it as an 84 year old man.
"We used to hope," might be playing over and over in some minds as we face this evil virus.  The future looks so dim.  But what the bishop was assuring us and what the Risen Christ was assuring those two despondent disciples is that the resurrection has defeated evil.  With the two disciples we discover that the Risen Christ is right here with us as we walk and share a meal with him.
The broken trees were cleared away and have grown back so forcefully that they had to be pruned last fall.

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