Sunday, April 26, 2020

Stay With Us

Carved into the stone over the exit from the chapel at Roland Park where I studied my last four years in seminary were two Latin words, "Mane nobiscum" (Stay with us.)  They are taken from the story of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35.)  The two disciples, perhaps husband and wife, have reached their home in Emmaus.  It's getting dark and  they are feeling dark.  As this stranger talked with them on their journey, they felt their hearts "burning within them." A chance for light?  They invite him, "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over." Not only his words but now his actions stir their faith back to life and they find themselves in the presence of their much loved Christ.
"Stay with us," is a good quick prayer in this dark time of the virus.

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