Monday, April 27, 2020

Abundant Life

I have been babying this hibiscus all winter, even carrying it outside on a not-too-cold afternoon and dousing it with water to rid it of aphids.  Right now it has six blooms and more buds.
In John 10:10 Jesus says, "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly." Jesus  promises us a rich relationship with himself as well as a full human life in every way.  In the lines before this, Jesus calls himself our shepherd who leads us out to rich pastures and the gate who who keeps us safe when we are in the pen.  We are to imagine several shepherds with sheep in the same pen.  Each shepherd knew each of his own sheep and called them by name.  Jesus says that his own sheep follow him because they recognize his voice.  I am reminded of Mary Magdalene's recognizing the Risen Christ by the sound of his voice speaking her name.
As we continue celebrating Easter through all of May we bask in the intimate way that he speaks to us.

keeps us sage to our sheepfold

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