Thursday, April 9, 2020


A fairly modern church at the base of the Mount of Olives, built around the boulder where Jesus prayed the night before he died.
What many of us are missing most this Holy Week is gathering in a faith community to celebrate the important mysteries of our religion.  We long for communion with one another.
The oldest account of the Last Supper that we have is from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, written about the year 57 (11:17-34.)  Paul is concerned about the divisions among the Christians due he says to their not caring for one another when they celebrate the Eucharist.  When they are gathered together in a common meal, eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ, they are united intimately with one another by the Risen Christ living within each one of them.  St. Thomas Aquinas said that the main purpose of the Eucharist if to create the community of the Church. 
One holy thing that could come out of this evil is that we might look forward to gathering together every Sunday to build up the Church.

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