Friday, July 24, 2020

St. Mary Magdalene

My favorite depiction of Mary Magdalene is in Franco Zeffirielli's  1977 TV series Jesus of Nazareth.  Perfectly played by Anne Bancroft, she is about the age of the mother of Jesus, maybe a little older.  Not a former prostitute, she is a follower of Jesus, as devoted as the other apostles, perhaps more devoted because we find her at the Crucifixion of Jesus. The gospels describe her as the first person to meet the Risen Christ who sends her to tell the other apostles.
In the film she goes to the room where they are hiding out of fear of the authorities.  She tells them that she has seen Jesus and that he sent her to tell the that he is risen.  They don't believe her and mutter about women's fantasies.  Sort of scolding them in a very old aunt kind of way, she says"Well, I've told you!"  And she walks out.
(The series may be available for screening.  A fortieth anniversary edition is available from Amazon.)
In an age when most people would look askance at anyone talking about rising from the dead, St. Mary Magdalene is a model for us of loving faith and courage.
I am not expecting to celebrate Mass in church or outside in the near future.

1 comment:

Lee K. said...

Fr. Paul, Here's the link to youtube for the full 6+ hour movie should anyone like to watch it! LK