Thursday, July 30, 2020

All will be well?

I have often quoted Julian of Norwich's famous line, "All will be well, and all will be well, and every kind of thing will be well."  It's a thought that can give us hope with so much suffering and pain and confusion in our world.  But in a welcome article by Mahri Leonard-Fleckman in the August issue of America magazine the author says that Julian took a long time before she could understand how God could say such a thing in so miserable a world.
Julian wrote finally, "Know it well, love was his meaning.  Who reveals it to you?  Love.  What did he reveal to you?  Love.  Why does he reveal it to you?  For love.  Remain in this, and you will know more of the same.  But you will never know different, without end.  So I was taught that love is our Lord's meaning."
It is hard for our limited mind to grasp this Mystery.  Love is everything, everywhere, in us and around us like the air we breathe.  As I begin centering prayer I am keenly aware that my love for God is woefully inadequate.  So I pray, "You are Love with Whom I love You."  It's only with God in me, loving God through Godself that I can dare approach the Divine Mystery.  It can never be completely clear.  So we surrender.   Then Love can use us to permeate out suffering world.

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