Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fruitful Faith


In the first two chapters of the Book of the Prophet Habakkuk the prophet and God have a conversation. The prophet complains about what a mess the world is in. God agrees but then God says,"The upright, because of their faith, shall live."
Near the beginning of his second Letter to Timothy Paul tells him that if his faith is just smouldering he needs to stir it up into the flame it was when he first believed, so that he can better deal with the problems he is having as leader of his community.
In chapter 17 of the Gospel According to Luke Jesus tells the disciples that they must forgive someone as often as the person hurts them. Knowing that they don't have what it takes to do this, the disciples ask, "Increase our faith."
Whether I am trying to cope with the mess in the world and in the Church or in my personal life I can always use more faith. I think of faith as my relationship with God. Like any relationship, it must be constantly growing or it will smoulder and be snuffed out.
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