Friday, August 1, 2014

I AM Love

A little more beauty is added to the world by these flowers that a neighbor has sowed around a tree trunk.  In this way we co-create the universe.  And by passing the picture on to you, I join in the co-creation.
I have started reading a new book, From Teilhard to Omega: Co-creating an Unfinished Universe, edited by Elia Delio.  In the second chapter Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, presents, "Sophia," her version of a long poem by Teilhard de Chardin.  It seemed to extend yesterday's post about nothing separating us from God's love and moved me into a mellow evening of prayerful reflection on evolution's contribution to my relationship with God.  In a brief segment Sophia/God says,
"I am the principle of union, the soul of the world.  Especially within the human family, I stir up passionate desire for the more--for dedication to scientific discovery, for the creation of beauty, for compassion toward those in need.  My love is like a tremendous vital current running through the cosmic landscape.  I am love, a wild and daring cosmic love--as strong as the sexual force between lovers, as tender as the nurturing love of a parent."

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