Friday, October 11, 2013


As I was taking pictures of a sunset from the dock, I glanced down and saw this leaf illuminated by the setting sun.
This week I have been prayerfully reflecting on the notions of mercy and thanks.  Our word "eucharist" comes from the Greek word for thanksgiving.  It's verbal form is used in Luke 17:16 when the healed Samaritan leper returns to Jesus, "thanking him."  The first syllable "eu" means good and "charis" means charm, pleasantness,  graciousness.  In the New Testament "charis" came to mean grace, the freely given share in God's life.  Even by itself it is sometimes translated thanks.
Our word "gratitude" comes from the Latin "gratia" which means charm, pleasantness, attraction,  as well as a favor done and thankfulness.
I am struck by the fact that both words mean charm and pleasantness.  I am even more surprised that they refer both to something freely given and to the thanks offered for the gift.  It seems that God's freely given love for us generates the same freely given love in us, which we express in giving  thanks.  And why not with charm and pleasantness!

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