Sunday, April 26, 2009

Undifferentiated Joy


I feel like just a mess of joy. Yesterday and today have been glorious days, as hot and pretty as any we get in the summer in these mountains. Spring, which comes late to us, seems finally to have gotten up nerve enough to give it a try. A few new flowers and lots of bird song. This evening's sunset was brilliant and long lasting. I had a hard time deciding which picture to use of the more than twenty I took.
I can remember a time long ago when I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and didn't seem able to get on top of it. A friend called it "undifferentiated anxiety." He suggested I make a list of all the things that I was anxious about; prioritize them; and then, starting at the top, deal with them one at a time. It was a big help.
Lately, especially these last two glorious days, I have been feeling a lot of joy. It's like it's coming at me from every direction. Yesterday, as I started trying to name the source, the phrase "undiffentiated joy" popped into my head. I don't think I want to get to the bottom of this. I doubt that I could. Like God.
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