Saturday, April 18, 2020


This is the 6th weekend with our churches closed.  We've been confining ourselves to our homes for about five weeks.  Some have been able to develop a routine that keeps them more or less content.  Some have found time for meditation and contemplation.  Others are bored, depressed, frightened, worried.  To all of us the Risen Christ brings peace  (John 20:19-29.)
With this evil virus ravaging us, as I meditate I am caught by "Peace," the first word the Risen Christ speaks to his disciples.  To make it clear that he's not just using the ordinary greeting, he repeats, "Peace."  The disciples must have felt an enormous relief, not only that their dear friend is not dead, but that he is not going to criticize them for running away and leaving him in his passion.  During the long talk that he had with the disciples at the Last Supper, he showed his great concern for them and for how they would get along with him.  On this evening of the resurrection it is clear again how much he cares for them.
Resurrection makes it possible for Christ to really live in our hearts and care for us in the midst of this pandemic.  He assures us that his resurrection brings us a peace that no evil can destroy.

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