Saturday, March 19, 2016

Into Your Hands

Luke softens the harshness of the Crucifixion to help us understand that surrendering to God, along with Jesus, brings forgiveness and peace.
When he is nailed to the cross, he prays, "Father forgive them," a forgiveness that reaches down 2,000 years to reconcile us also to our loving Father.  To the criminal hanging beside him, Jesus tenderly promises, "This day you will be with me in Paradise."
As he is dying, instead of a cry to God of near despair, Jesus prays, "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit."  Jesus surrenders his entire self to the Father.
He offers us as well.  The dying Jesus gathers into himself the entire human race and offers us back to our Father, reconciling us to our loving God and enveloping us in the peace of Paradise.

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