Thursday, April 7, 2011

I AM the Resurrection

In chapter 12 of his Gospel John tells the story of Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead. He tells it in a way that will help us to think about the Resurrection of Jesus as well as our own resurrecton from the dead.
Lazarus is raised back to the life that he had before he died. Jesus is raised into an altogether new life that his human body and soul had never experienced before. That new life is what resurrection of the body means for us.
This year I saw the mystery of Christmas as God moving through dimensions we cannot imagine to become one of us. Using the same metaphor of dimensions, I'm trying to come to a better understanding of the Resurrection. Perhaps Jesus, now with his human body and soul, moves back through those dimensions we cannot imagine into new life with his Father. The Risen Jesus becomes the portal, the Way, through to the divine dimension. As a result all humankind from beginning to end can move through the Risen Jesus into new life.

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