Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Marigot Bay


This is the stunning view of Marigot Bay from where I stayed with some friends on a recent vacation on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. The house we rented was handsome and spacious with a large porch where we could spend a lot of time gazing at this view. The weather was sunny and warm. My companions were more than easy to be with and made the whole time perfect. All of this conspired to keep me aware that I was living in God.
At Mass we pray to God, "In you we live and move and have our being." At Christmas this year an apt metaphor that helped me grasp this mystery was God moving through dimensions that we cannot imagine to become one of us. This other invisible dimension where God lives is here and now. God permeates all that I am and everyone and everything around me. The beauty and spaciousness and warmth and love that I experienced in this setting is one way God uses to stir me into recognizing his constant presence.
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