Thursday, June 7, 2007

True to self

The other night a friend told me that this year in Disneyworld the figures are not covered with flowers but with a variety of green plants in different shades. I'm sure this must have been in the back of my mind when I went for my walk this morning (Actually it was more of a stroll. The wind of the last three days had stopped and everything was still and the morning sun was warming the cold air. It made me feel like moving slowly.) As I crossed a little ditch I was struck by the wild variety of shapes and textures and shades of the green weeds. I stood still and was caught up in how the many different weeds were creating something beautiful.

As I continued strolling I got to thinking how important it was for each weed to be itself to create the beauty of the whole. That makes me think how important it is for me to be true to myself so that my part of the world is a beautiful as God wants it to be.

It is tempting at times to try to fit in and conform to what others expect of us, especially if we think we are weeds. But God made us each different to add our specific bit of goodness and truth and beauty to the world. It is crucial that we acknowledge who and what we are and be exactly that person. That's the way we honor and express the Divine in us and make our part of the world beautiful.

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