Monday, December 30, 2019

Merry 6th Day of Christmas

For several weeks much of our cove has had a thin layer of ice.  This morning the wind blew water from the rest of the Lake against it and pushed it all the way into the cove where it melted.  Looked like the spring thaw.
In the beautiful poem that begins John's Gospel the author is not content to talk about a child in Bethlehem, he pushes back further for the origins of Jesus (1:1.)
 "In the beginning was the Word;
  and the Word was with God;
  and the Word was God."
Jews would recognize the first three words as  the first three words in their Bible, and the wider Greek-speaking world would also understand them to mean that the Word existed before and beyond human time and history.  In the second line "with" has the sense of being turned toward God in a dynamic relationship, a personal relationship.  The third line means something like "What God was, the Word also was."
Such words take us in awe into eternity

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