Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Joy of the Gospel

The third Sunday of Advent has traditionally been called "Gaudete Sunday."  "Gaudete" means "rejoice."  It was the first word in the introit sung in our old Latin mass for this Sunday.  Evangelii Gaudium is the name of the recent apostolic exhortation of our Holy Father Francis.  The title means The Gospel's Joy.  It is timely, not only because of the word "joy" but also because much of its message is inspired by Gospel passages like next Sunday's.
When Jesus is asked for a sign that he is the one for whom the people of God have been waiting, he points to his healing the sick and "the poor have the Gospel brought to them."  The principal sign that as Church we are faithful followers of Jesus is that we care for the sick and the poor.
In his exhortation Francis is very specific.  He criticizes the "new tyranny of unfettered capitalism."   He calls the current socioeconomic system "unjust at its root."  He denounces the "self-serving tax evasion" of the wealthy.  In a pope's first use of the term, he calls "trickle-down" economics ineffective and callous.
In a section about those considered unworthy of dignity and protection he talks about migrants, unemployed, and drug addicts. He writes, "Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children."
This and much else that Francis writes about in this exhortation is based on the Incarnation that we celebrate at this time of year.  He says, "To believe that the Son of God took on our human flesh means that each human person has been taken up into the very heart of God."

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