Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Love


I finished this morning Gerald May's 1991 "The Awakened Heart." I have been using it for spiritual reading for several weeks. I don't know where it came from. I didn't buy it. It has been a blessing, a perfect opportunity to reflect again on some important things in my relationship with God. Here is a quote from early in the book:
My life of prayer has always been stumbling and fitful, but it has convinced me of some basic truths. We are in love. God is absolutely and always present, intimately active and involved with us, and endlessly good. As God's creations, we bear an essential part of God's own goodness in our hearts that can never be removed, no matter how selfish, prejudiced, and vindictive we may be, no matter what we have done or what has been done to us. And when we say yes to love, or try to say yes, or even just honestly desire to try to say yes, love is as victorious in that moment as it is in all of cosmic time.
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