Saturday, May 31, 2008



The morning sun shining on leaves and weeds like this is what greets me often these days on my morning walk. I usually pause at this tiny stream whose sound is soothing. These walks and my prayer beforehand continue to keep me centered. Divinity shines in the simplest things.
I got out of the habit of writing here during ten days that I couldn't get on line. I never intended this blog to be a daily thing, but I'm surprised that I went this long without reflecting in writing here or in my journal. Writing is often for me another way of praying.
Memorial Day Weekend is the official beginning of summer. We had lots of relatives and their friends here at the Lake. It is very satisfying sharing what I have with people I love.
It is easy to forget that the day is intended for remembering. I just found out today that Memorial Day has its roots as far back as the Civil War. Simple ceremonies honoring those who died in the war between brothers. We remember our own dead as well. Three of my classmates from long ago died this month, one of them a very close friend. Most recently a young man I knew died. Even though God has blessed me with pretty good health, I know that I have reached the age when death can come calling. "If God spares me" is in my mind when I am planning and sometimes on my lips.
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